Saturday, January 1, 2011

Canoo Webtest Tutorial

What is Canoo Webtest?

If you  are looking for a open source test automation tool then Canoo Webtest is one of them. It's simple,fast and easy to setup . If you are looking for test automation for your project this is definitely one of the tool worth trying.

System requirement 

  • Java 1.5 or higher.
  • Ant 1.7.0 or higher.
  • Eclipse to create test cases (optional).
  • Version Control (optional).

 Download latest build

Sanity check
  • JAVA_HOME is set properly 
  • MAVEN_HOME is set properly
Set up Canoo  Webtest 

Create a Canoo Test Project

Now your system is ready for canoo test and start writing canoo tests . Canoo provide utility to create a Canoo project with all the required skeleton.
Open command prompt and go to your Canoo home folder (D:\Canoo) and type :

   webtest -f build/webtest.xml wt.createProject  

Give a name for your Canoo project .
This command will create a Canoo project with the required skeleton and also provide few default test sets for your learning .

Running Canoo Test cases

Now Canoo project is ready  to run . Just go command prompt  and go to your Canoo project home page and type:

You should see something like :

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